Monday, September 30, 2019

Age Doesnt Matter

AGE DOESN’T MATTER I feel that teenage criminals should not be considered not guilty by reason of adolescence. Just because someone is under the age of 18 doesn’t give them the right to break the law. In my opinion teens should know the difference between right and wrong, therefore should be charged for their crimes just as any other person would be. Although in our adolescent years our brains aren’t fully developed and we tend to make poor and irrational decisions; teens should know if their actions are right or wrong.For example if a kid steals a shirt and get caught they should get into trouble. Since it’s a severe crime, I don’t think they should go to jail for it, but their must be some form of punishment. I feel that teen’s must be punished for the severity of the crime they committed, not by the age at which they commit it. For intense, murder. Murder is unacceptable no matter who you are or what age you are. No human has the right to take another humans life.Whether you 17 or 47 murder is murder. Sure their may be different thought processes going on in the 17 and 47 year olds brains as to why they chose to murder, but that shouldn’t matter. The main thing is that they chose to act that way, they chose to kill, and they should receive the same punishment. The punishment itself should depend on the severity of the crime not on the age of the person committing it. Say a teen kills a woman at the mall and is in court being sentenced.The jury needs to think about the crime itself and not feel sympathy for the boy just because he’s young and will have to spend the rest of his life in jail. If that old woman that got killed was someone they knew then they would have absolutely no second thought about sending the kid away for life. The problem is that the court system is too lenient on teen’s. A murderer should be sentenced as a murderer and a shoplifter a shoplifter, a teen should not get any kind of special treatment.In conclusion I completely think that a teen should not be considered not guilty by reason of adolescence. Teen’s know the difference between right and wrong and should choose to stay out of trouble. If they choose to commit a crime, then they deserve the full punishment that comes along with it. They shouldn’t receive any type of special treatment whatsoever. They are responsible for their actions and need to live with the consequences just as any other person would.

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner INTRODUCTION

No two writers go about things in exactly the same way. We al are inspired and motivated in different ways; we have our own reasons why some characters stay with us while others disappear into a backlog of neglected files. Personal y, I've never figured out why some of my characters take on strong lives of their own, but I'm always happy when they do. Those characters are the most effortless to write, and so their stories are usual y the ones that get finished. Bree is one of those characters, and she's the chief reason why this story is now in your hands, rather than lost in the maze of forgotten folders inside my computer. (The two other reasons are named Diego and Fred.) I started thinking about Bree while I was editing Eclipse. Editing, not writing – when I was writing the first draft of Eclipse, I had first-person-perspective blinders on; anything that Bel a couldn't see or hear or feel or taste or touch was irrelevant. That story was her experience only. The next step in the editing process was to step away from Bel a and see how the story flowed. My editor, Rebecca Davis, was a huge part of that process, and she had a lot of questions for me about the things Bel a didn't know and how we could make the right parts of that story clearer. Because Bree is the only newborn Bel a sees, Bree's was the perspective that I first gravitated toward as I considered what was going on behind the scenes. I started thinking about living in the basement with the newborns and hunting traditional vampire-style. I imagined the world as Bree understood it. And it was easy to do that. From the start Bree was very clear as a character, and some of her friends also sprang to life effortlessly. This is the way it usual y works for me: I try to write a short synopsis of what is happening in some other part of the story, and I end up jotting down dialogue. In this case, instead of a synopsis, I found myself writing a day in Bree's life. Writing Bree was the first time I'd stepped into the shoes of a narrator who was a â€Å"real† vampire – a hunter, a monster. I got to look through her red eyes at us humans; suddenly we were pathetic and weak, easy prey, of no importance whatsoever except as a tasty snack. I felt what it was like to be alone while surrounded by enemies, always on guard, never sure of anything except that her life was always in danger. I got to submerge myself in a total y different breed of vampires: newborns. The newborn life was something I hadn't ever gotten to explore – even when Bel a final y became a vampire. Bel a was never a newborn like Bree was a newborn. It was exciting and dark and, ultimately, tragic. The closer I got to the inevitable end, the more I wished I'd concluded Eclipse just slightly differently. I wonder how you wil feel about Bree. She's such a smal, seemingly trivial character in Eclipse. She lives for only five minutes of Bel a's perspective. And yet her story is so important to an understanding of the novel. When you read the Eclipse scene in which Bel a stares at Bree, assessing her as a possible future, did you ever think about what has brought Bree to that point in time? As Bree glares back, did you wonder what Bel a and the Cul ens look like to her? Probably not. But even if you did, I'l bet you never guessed her secrets. I hope you end up caring about Bree as much as I do, though that's kind of a cruel wish. You know this: it doesn't end wel for her. But at least you wil know the whole story. And that no perspective is ever real y trivial. Enjoy, Stephenie

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Developmental time Essay

The time taken in the development of Automated office systems support varies with the approach employed. Other factors inherent of an organization also play an important part in the determination of the total time the organization will take in coming up with a new system (Tapscott, 1998). The developmental time can be viewed in two contexts; the time taken in building an Automated office systems support and the time taken in buying an off-shelf Automated office systems support. The time taken in building a new Automated office systems support is generally larger than that taken in buying (Tapscott, 1998). Moreover, the factors that are influential on the overall time taken in building are more compared to those in buying. The total time taken in building is influenced by internal and external factors which include; the availability of resources, the organization and coordination of all those involved in the implementation of the project. The level and the availability of the required expertise within the organizations working environment is a consideration. The availability of the required software and hardware components necessary in coming up with Automated office systems support is fundamental. The software and the hardware components must be as per the required functionality set by the organization needs. Change in government policies and market trends may greatly affect the availability of the required components and thus have an effect n the developmental time (Tapscott, 1998). In addition the needs of the users often change with time and this may require the modification of components that are already in place which lead to delay. The time taken in buying a new system is highly dependent on external factors that are not within the control of the organization (Tapscott, 1998). In most cases organizations lose time in this stage for reasons that are not within their reach or control. Buying as a process requires a well established resource base and a good legal framework to fully engage the system as a whole (Kenyon, 2001). The market conditions are influential on the speed of purchase and thus very important in the determination of the total developmental time. The actual location of an organization is also important in evaluating the total buying time. An organization in an urban setting find it easy to buy software and hardware components as the availability and cost associated with their purchase is small compared to those in a rural setting. Personnel This is also one of the most overlooked factors (Kenyon, 2001). In consideration of the personnel, decision on whether to buy or build an Automated office systems support requires company wide consultation (Kenyon, 2001). As organizations analyses their resources they must determine what they have and the needed personnel required for the implementation of the Automated office systems support. The organization should determine the number of available technical staff available for the support. If organizations lack or anticipate a lack of personnel, they must decide on when and where the required staff will be obtained from, which may involve the determination of the cost of the support (Kenyon, 2001). Money Money is an important consideration in strategic development as it affects the nature of the budget. A limited or unlimited budget has a great bearing on the choice of whether to buy or build an Automated office systems support (Katzan, 2002). In consideration of the budget both individuals and organizations must consider the short and long term benefits that will be accrued by the implementation of either methods. This may also involve the analysis of the effects of the non-implementation of the alternative. The importance of money is such that without it the project is non-existent (Levy, 2001). Therefore, organization are required to accurately estimate their resource requirements before a decision on whether to buy or build an Automated office systems support is made. The cost involved in both cases have to be estimated and any other factors that may affect the estimated cost determined. Moreover, since all factors can never be determined accurately, including a contingency or escape plan in the formulation of the original policy will ensure that the organization is well prepared for any eventuality (Kenyon, 2001). The effect of money on the total time taken also depends on the government policies, market and industry condition that can affect the availability of resources especially money (Carter, 1999). Expected change in areas that currently affect the availability of funds largely determines the feasibility of the project in future. The availability of additional funding and all the factors that affect it, which may include legal and political issues all play important roles.

Fall of Troy Essay

Pride and self confidence are values often times convey in stories and books that chronicle tales about Greek Mythology. With the Gods and goddesses favoring a certain person and taking sides, mortals oftentimes grew more complacent and over confident about their own selves.   As the Greek word Hubris implies it is an exaggerated act and display of self confidence that many times it leads to downfall of actions taken. Decisions are blinded and corrupted by the display of over confidence, thus details of courses are taken for granted. The events that transpired in Homer’s Iliad exemplify a person and a group of persons act of hubris.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Iliad is divided into different sections. It is composed of twenty four different books, which narrate Achilles story and The Trojan War. Each story depicts how hubris plays an important role that leads to the result of the war and the downfall of a mighty city. It also narrates how disputes are born through hubris. The Trojan War was believed to be the greatest conflict in Greek History. The origin of the war was believed to have started, long before Achilles was born. It roots its origin in the conflict with the golden apple that happens among the three most powerful goddesses, Athena, Aphrodite and Hera. The event leads to Paris, a Trojan Prince running away with Helen, wife of Menelaus. Book I of Iliad, The Quarrel by the Ships verse 10 showcases a display of Agamemnon, King of Mycenae and brother of Menelaus, exceeding self confidence. â€Å"Old man, don’t let me catch you by our hollow ships, sneaking back here today or later on. Who cares about Apollo’s scarf and staff? I’ll not release the girl to you, no, not before she’s grown old with me in Argos, far from home,  working the loom, sharing my bed. Go away.  If you want to get home safely, don’t anger me.† (Homer The Quarrel by the Ships: Book 1 of the Iliad). Agamemnon’s pride and boastful antics were very evident that he even defies Apollo’s power. He has this belief that, since he is a very worthy ruler, he deserved all the great things as rewards. Also, we can see Agamemnon’s proud image on the same book verse 110 to 120: â€Å"Prophet of evil,  when have you ever said good things to me? You love to predict the worst, always the worst! You never show good news.  Ã‚  Now, in prophecy to the Danaans,  you say archer Apollo brings us pain because I was unwilling to accept fine ransom for Chryses’ daughter, Chryseis. But I have a great desire to take her home in fact want her more than Clytaemnestra,  the wife I married Chryseis is just as good  Ã‚   in her shape, physique, intelligence, or work. Still, I’m prepared to give her back, if that’s best. I want the people safe, not all killed off. But then you’ll owe me another prize. I won’t be the only Argive left  without a gift.  That would be entirely unfair to me. You all can see my spoils are going elsewhere.† (Homer The Quarrel by the Ships: Book 1 of the Iliad). He refused to set free the priest’s daughter and would only do so if a replacement would take her place. Agamemnon believed that what the oracle had foreseen is wrong and his decision could only be moved if the condition he had set is satisfied. What he wants, he should get. It also shows that Agamemnon did not want others to make fun of him if he would loose his concubine without a replacement.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     To avoid the looming war a truce was agreed upon that Paris and Menelaus should fight and whoever won would have Helen as his wife. Paris lost but could not accept his defeat. His words to Helen from Book III Paris, Menelaus and Helen verse 440 were some kind of excuse for his failure. â€Å"Wife, don’t mock my courage with your insults. Yes, Menelaus has just defeated me, but with Athena’s help. Next time I’ll beat him for we have gods on our side, too.†(Homer â€Å"Paris, Menelaus, and Helen: Book 3 of the Iliad†)   He could have easily accepted the defeat and handed out Helen to Menelaus. But, he too was too proud to accept the defeat. Menelaus has clearly won their match but he could not bear loosing Helen, especially because of his own fault. Paris could have died right away if not for Aphrodite lending him the much needed help. Paris Hubris was in display.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The war then has become inevitable as Aphrodite persuaded Pandarus in breaking the Trojans oath. â€Å"Fiery hearted son of Lycaon, why not do as I suggest? Prepare yourself to shoot a swift arrow at Menelaus. You’d earn thanks and glory from all Trojans, most of all from Prince Alexander. He’d be the every first to bring fine gifts, if he could see warlike Menelaus, son of Atreus, mounted on his bier, his bitter funeral pyre, killed by your arrow.† (Homer The Armies Clash: Book Four of the Iliad).   Pandarus shoots Menelaus. His arrogant attitude and greed for fame and appreciation broke the treaty. Believing that he would gain glory by killing Menelaus, he fired his arrow. Pandarus was hungry for the honor he would get if eventually he can kill Menelaus. It would be of great pride of him to be recognized in that way.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The war has erupted, and many Trojan and Achaeans have died. Diomemedes, guided by Athena, have been pushing the Trojan Army back with his superb fighting skill. But as he pushes forward he was hit by Lycaon’s son. â€Å"Come on, you brave horse-lashing Trojans, for the finest of Achaeans has been hurt.  Ã‚  I don’t think he’ll long survive my arrow’s force.† (Homer â€Å"Diomedes Goes to Battle: Book V of the Iliad†). Lycaon’s son was bragging and shouting that he has killed Diomedes. For him, the best warrior has been killed so it would all be easy to take on the remaining enemy. He thinks of himself so highly and mighty. Little that he knows that Diomedes was alive and his boastful act only infuriates the fighting spirit of Diomedes. He was furious and attacked the Trojans more violently. So angry was Diomedes that he even tried killing Aphrodite. â€Å"Diomedes with his ruthless bronze had gone to run down Aphrodite, knowing she was not a god who could do much in battle not one of those who control men’s wars.  She was no Athena,  no goddess Strife, who destroys whole cities.† (Homer â€Å"Diomedes Goes to Battle: Book V of the Iliad†). It was a display of hubris, as a mortal man attacked a goddess. Mortal men should respect Gods and recognized the vast difference between their abilities. Diomedes is powerful but he should know the limit of being human as Apollo stated from Book five verse 440 â€Å"Take care son of Tydeus. Go back. Don’t think you’re equal to the gods. The race of men who  walk upon the ground can never match the race of deathless gods.† (Homer â€Å"Diomedes Goes to Battle: Book V of the Iliad†).  Ã‚  The God’s pride was injured, and Diomedes actions angered the Gods and resulted to more bloodshed. From verse 330 of book six, it would be obvious that Hector was feeling low. â€Å"Paris, you’re a worthless man. It’s quite wrong of you to nurse that anger in your heart, while men are being destroyed, fighting around the city its steep walls. It’s because of you the sounds of warfare catch fire around our city  you would fight  Ã‚  Ã‚  any man you saw avoiding battle fleeing war’s brutality.† (Homer â€Å"Hector and Andromache: Book 6 of the Iliad†).   This statement from Hector, commander in chief of Troy, shows how he has been hurt by the actions done by Paris. For him, branding his brother is a great insult. He knew he was fated to die in that war. Still, he chooses to fight for his people. Fully aware that it was his brother actions that shape the war, still, he together with their allies was duty bound in defending Troy. The Trojans are too proud especially Hector, the heir to the throne, to admit that Paris was wrong. They were too high and almighty to believe that a fellow Trojan would commit such misconduct. Hubris is again in display that blinded their actions. They could have easily handed out Helen when the Greeks asked for Helen’s return. Hector’s disappointment with Paris is again revealed to the following statement â€Å"Brother, no one could justly criticize your work in battle, for you fight bravely. But you deliberately hold back and do not wish to fight.  It pains my heart, when I hear shameful things about you from Trojans, who are suffering much distress because of you.†Ã‚  (Homer â€Å"Hector and Andromache: Book 6 of the Iliad†). He just could not stand what his fellow Trojans would tell about his brother.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Achilles on the other hand resolved to retire from fighting. His retirement from battle also showed sign of hubris. In a display of his â€Å"exaggerated pride†, which was revealing in verse 70 of Book 16, Achilles would not return to battle even if his comrades are slowly being killed and wounded. â€Å"Dreadful pain came in my heart and spirit when that man wished to cheat someone his equal and steal away that prize,  and just because he’s got more power. That really hurt, given that I’ve suffered  in this war so many pains here in my chest. Achaea’s sons chose that girl as my prize. I won her with my spear, once I’d destroyed her strong-walled city. Lord Agamemnon took her back, out of my hands, as if were some stranger without honor.† (Homer Patroclus Fights and Dies:Book 16 of the Iliad). His lost of drive for fighting happens when Agamemnon took Achilles concubine in replaced of the priest’s daughter who was set free. Achilles pride was hurt so he left the line of battle. He was one of the Greek’s mighty warriors and he believed that even Agamemnon should recognize that. Although, Agamemnon promised gold and the return of his concubine, to bring Achilles back to the lines of battle, Achilles injured pride was not persuaded. Instead he allowed his companion Patroclus to use his armor and fight in his place. He was proud enough not to work under the command of Agamemnon, who he believed is not a worthy commander in chief. His pride would not allow him to join the fighting, and his hubris had caused him the life of his friend.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Achilles returns to actions, from verse 20 of Book 19, was filled with power;   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Mother, this armor the god has given me is a work fit for the immortals, something no living human could create† (Homer Achilles and Agamemnon :Book 19 of the Iliad). Upon hearing this Achilles was filled with fearless power. With Thetis by his side, he led his army. The overwhelming confidence brought by the armor and the rage he was feeling, was proof of his anxiousness to return fighting. â€Å"Though you’re e a brave man, godlike Achilles, don’t encourage Achaea’s sons to fight against the Trojan on empty stomachs. If so, the fight won’t last for long if troops engage right now, once some god in fuses strength in to both sides.  No.  Instruct Achaeans to have some food and wine by their swift ships for they give strength and courage.  No soldier can fight the enemy all day till sunset without some food.† (Homer Achilles and Agamemnon :Book 19 of the Iliad). This was a major display of hubris of Achilless, promising he will not waiver, rest and eat until he has avenged the death of his friend. The Death of Patroclus forced Achilles to return to the battlefield. He was enveloped of the idea of revenge. He was so angry that he even attacked Apollo, from verse 10 of Book 22. â€Å"Son of Peleus, why are you, a mere human, running so hard in an attempt to catch me,  an immortal god?  You’re still ignorant it seems, of the fact that I’m a god. You keep coming at me with such anger.† (Homer â€Å"The Death of Hector:   Book 22 of the Iliad†). Achilles was so enraged that he was fighting fiercely even in the face of God. He blames himself for the death of his friend. He was too weak to bear the his pride. The fall of Troy was destined to happen. With the consent from the Gods, Troy was fated to fall. However, hubris played an important role to its downfall. From the moment, the Trojan War broke out it was the hubris not only by my mortals but by Gods, which made the events more chaotic. With the Gods by taking up sides to show their power the outcome of the war and the course of history itself, was shaped and reshaped. Treaties could have been signed and bloodshed could have been avoided if not because of the over exaggerated pride and confidence every man possess. When the Trojans celebrated their apparent victory, it leads to their downfall. They have underestimated their foe. They taught that the Gods had ruled in their favor, when the horse was found. They also believed that the time a sea monster ate those who opposed the entry of the horse to the city was a sign from the Gods. They grew more complacent and failed to act and think rationally. They deduced that in fact they are greater warriors and men compared to the Greeks. They admired themselves too well. The admiration was overwhelming that they failed to size up their opponents that eventually it leads to a tragic end. The belief that the City could not be conquered made a difference. Necessary precautions were not done. (Homer The Iliad) Homer. Achilles and Agamemnon :Book 19 of the Iliad. 800 B. C. E. —. The Armies Clash: Book Four of the Iliad. 800 B. C. E. —. â€Å"The Death of Hector:   Book 22 of the Iliad.†Ã‚   (800 B. C. E). —. â€Å"Diomedes Goes to Battle: Book V of the Iliad.†Ã‚   (800 B. C. E). —. â€Å"Hector and Andromache: Book 6 of the Iliad.†Ã‚   (800 B. C. E). —. The Iliad. 800 B.C.E. —. â€Å"Paris, Menelaus, and Helen: Book 3 of the Iliad.†Ã‚   (800 B. C. E). —. Patroclus Fights and Dies:Book 16 of the Iliad. 800 B. C. E. —. The Quarrel by the Ships: Book 1 of the Iliad. 800 B. C. E.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Cialis Case

Cialis I. Problem: In this case, the main issue at hand is to decide an effective marketing strategy for the introduction of new product, Cialis by the joint venture Eli Lilly and ICOS. This strategy will help to recognize a target market and also the future marketing endeavors necessary to have competitive positioning in the market amongst Cialis’s main competitors, Pfizer and Bayer. Cialis has to choose among the alternatives: beat, niche and compete. II. Alternatives: 1) Follow Beat Strategy by differentiating its product from competitors by emphasizing on its duration i. . 36 hours, targeting men suffering from Erectile Dysfunction (ED) + Existing customer base + Can convince existing, new users and dropouts that it is a superior product + Customers can wait for right moment + Better onset time and duration + Doesn’t have blue vision side effect that happens in case of Viagra + Can convince Primary Care Physicians (PCP) and urologists of its benefits – Higher sales force needed to compete with Viagra’s effective sales force team of 30000 – Not safe with nitrates Time on Market is 0 compared to Viagra’s 5 years so Viagra has better brand reputation 2) Follow Niche Strategy by targeting Viagra dropouts estimated to be around 6-7 million as compared to Viagra’s current users i. e. 3 million + Can demand high price + The number of Viagra dropouts can grow with the launch and success of Cialis + Easy to focus target market – Low market share in total Erectile Dysfunction (ED) market – Difficult to convince users who have lost faith in similar product i. e.Viagra – Not safe with nitrates 3) Follow Compete Strategy and go head-to-head with Viagra’s positioning + Existing customer base + Alternative means to attract customers such as by convincing partners and people who think it will go away + Better onset time and duration – Not safe with nitrates – Difficult to convince ex isting users of Viagra – Difficult to convince physicians to prescribe Cialis – Higher sales force needed to compete with Pfizer’s effective sales force team of 30000 III. Recommendation:I suggest that Cialis should adopt the â€Å"beat† marketing strategy focusing on its high duration i. e. 36 hours to make it a differentiated product in the market. On conducting the need and performance analysis of key buying factors, the aforementioned strategy best suits for the product introduction. While there are drawbacks to this decision such as Viagra’s already developed brand reputation and fact that Cialis is not safe with nitrates, I believe that Cialis can successfully overcome these issues through its competitive pricing which can be similar to that of Viagra’s i. . $10 so that target customers can get more benefits (such as choosing the right moment for sexual intercourse) at the same price. Cialis should spend significant amount on initial p romotion of its new product through TV advertisement featuring famous personality (actor, politician, sportsmen), radio, social media and word of mouth. It also needs a high sales force (to compete with Pfizer’s effective sales force team of 30000) who can pitch the product initially in US and Europe where there is strong target market base and later on extend its focus on other countries.

Skeletal Pin Site Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Skeletal Pin Site Management - Essay Example External fixation is described as a surgical routine that drills holes into the uninjured areas of bones around the fracture and screw special bolts into the holes. This is done to set bone fractures in which a cast would not allow proper alignment of the fracture. A rod with special ball-and-socket joints joins the bolts to make a rigid support, is placed outside the body. By adjusting the ball-and-socket joints, the fracture can be set in the proper anatomical configuration. Compared to other types of cast used in fractured bones external fixation is used most frequently. This is because the patient will be able to mobilize earlier than other types of fixations which means, the patient will have to spend shorter time in the hospital. It was also observed that external fixations enables the patient to cope up early and perform almost all its normal activities. On the other hand, pin sites are locations on which pins are inserted into the hole created in the unfractured and soft bone. It serves as an entry and exit in the skin to provide skeletal traction or external fixation apparatus. Installation of external fixations, more often than not, developed pin site infections. Signs of reaction include changes in normal skin color, increased warmth, and serous or slightly bloody drainage at the pin site. Importantly, a pin site reaction is not a pin site infection. (Holmes and Brown, 2005) The swelling is a common reaction of the body's tissue in the presence of foreign bodies such as pins. This will develop to pin site infection if not managed properly. With this, pin site management is practised by regularly checking the areas where the external fixators were attached and checking it for signs of infection such as tenting, redness, tenderness and purulent drainage. This also involves regular cleaning of the pin sites. However, different medical establishments apply different ways of cleaning; different procedures in cleansing, varied frequency and techniques for applying cleansing agent(s), removal of crusts, and use of dressings. In this research, procedures of skeletal pin site management are being studied to be able to evaluate and recommend the best and effective way in managing external fixations and pin tract infection. The goals are to keep swelling and pain caused by surgery to a low level, provide exercises to increase circulation and start wound (pin) care to prevent infection. Current Procedure Royal Darwin Hospital's procedures in managing pin sites are as follows: Put a betadine gauze around the pin sites for 48hours. After 48 hours, removed the betadine gauze and leave the pins sites alone. These will not be cleaned to leave the crusts intact. If the pin sites become infected, they are cleaned through the direction of the consultant. This practise however, is in contrast of what Lisa Marie Bernardo has said in her article, Evidence-based Practice for Pin Site Care in Injured Children which says "there is a general agreement that pin sites of patients receiving external fixation should be inspected and cleansed to prevent infection. (Bernardo, October 2001) The fact that the pin sites were not cleaned after 48 hours to leave the crust intact will have a possibility of greater risk of infection. On the other hand, cleaning through the direction of a consultant will leave the nurses dependent to the consultant and cannot act as freely as or

Friday, September 27, 2019

Heart of Darkness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Heart of Darkness - Essay Example In making his comments upon London at the beginning of the book, Marlow illustrates the lesson he learned in the jungle, that the social impression of imperialism as an illuminating force for good brought to the desperate primitive peoples was a lie based on false cultural beliefs. He does this by reflecting out loud about the history of London and how it parallels in many ways the current history of Africa by questioning the difference between civilized and savage. It is obvious to the other men sitting on the deck that the concept of light as it is applied to men refers to the 'enlightened' or advanced culture. The narrator makes this clear as he talks about the rich history of the Thames and the glorious characters of those who have traveled on it. "They had all gone out on that stream, bearing the sword, and often the torch, messengers of the might within the land, bearers of a spark from the sacred fire. What greatness had not floated on the ebb of that river into the mystery of an unknown earth! ... The dreams of men, the seed of commonwealth, the germs of empires" (Conrad, 3). These are all presented as positive elements or a kindness bestowed on those less fortunate. The splendor that was England would be graciously shared with the lazy, unintelligent brutes of the dark places without any consideration as to where that wealth was coming from. It is clear from the way the narrator describes things that he considers England to have always enjoyed such a privileged and recognized status. Only one of these men, Marlow, seems to see things differently, describing London in terms that make it sound very much like their present conceptions of the darkness or uncivilized nature of Africa. It is just as the narrator is winding down about the greatness of the civilization that lives on the banks of this river that Marlow interrupts everyone's thoughts with the sudden and cryptic statement used as epigraph above: "And this also ... has been one of the dark places of the earth" (2). In this passage, Marlow talks about the area of London as it was when the Roman soldiers found it. Although there was already a flourishing society at work on the island, as there were several flourishing societies found in Africa as European explorers pushed deeper and deeper into the forests, the Romans felt themselves engulfed by the same kind of darkness being experienced in Africa. â€Å"Sand-banks, marshes, forests, savages – precious little to eat fit for a civilized man, nothing but Thames water to drink. †¦ Here and there a military camp lost in a wilderness, like a needle in a bundle of hay – cold, fog, tempests, disease, exile, and death – death skulking in the air, in the water, in the bush. They must have been dying like flies here† (Conrad, 4). The darkness he describes for the Romans entails much more than the simple change in geography and weather from their Mediterranean home and sounds very much like how the Europ eans thought of the men they found in Africa at that time - savages who have nothing decent to eat or drink, strange illnesses, difficult or impossible terrains. Marlow's reflection on the Romans also draws parallels between the ancient Romans and the contemporary British as bringers of light to the dark places

Are people born Gay Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Are people born Gay - Essay Example My thesis statement is that, people are born gay and cannot change their sexual orientation. This essay will focus on this debate and the views of different writers for, or against this view. Approximately 2-5% of men are gay, and the statistics for women is half that of men. (Rahman & Wilson, 2003). The disparity here is explained by the fact that women are influenced by their culture as well as situations, unlike men. Nathaniel Lehrman (2005) stated that even after years of study, there is no evidence of a gay gene. The votes to normalize homosexuality seem to suggest that it is an inborn trait, but to him, this vote is political and not scientific. It is in the late 1970s that the term orientation began to be used in place of the word preference. This change he states has led many people to think that homosexuality is innate. The author sites examples of people who were previously engaged in gay relationships but had since stopped and are in stable relationships with the people of the opposite sex. Another explanation that he gives for his stand is that there is no clear description of what being gay is. Having attractions to the people of the same gender as you does not mean that you are gay. He uses this disparity to justify his belief that no one is born a homosexual. Nathaniel argues that the tests that claim that there is DNA proof to show that there are gay genes falls short of significance. The fact that there is no clear evidence pointing to the possibility of gay genes makes it hard to prove the same. According to research, some children who face maltreatment while younger become gay when they become adults. (Roberts & Koenen, 2013). Factors such as having a drunkard parent, parental mental illness and presence of a step-parent affect a child’s sexual orientation once they grow into adulthood. This study goes to show that there are other factors that may lead to one becoming gay, but the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Health and Happiness Democracy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Health and Happiness Democracy - Essay Example Studies from California to Michigan established that social connectedness is one of the most powerful determinants of well being. According to the study, frequent participation in community activities and social gathering reduces the risk of having diseases like cancer or heart attack. On the other hand, sociologist James House and his colleague stated that social connectedness also contributes to the biomedical risk factors such as cigarette smoking and obesity. Researchers are not sure why social cohesion affects the well-being of an individual but they proposed theories why social cohesion matters. First, social networks offer assistance thereby, reducing mental and physical stress. It reinforce healthy norms and able to organize politically to ensure first-rate medical services. Another researcher named Lisa Berkman speculated that social isolation is a chronically stressful condition to which the organism responds by aging faster.

Writing assingnment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Writing assingnment - Research Paper Example Utility maximization is a process or goal of obtaining the maximum utility from the consumption of goods and services on the basis of rational behaviour of human beings. The utility maximization is associated with the theory of decision making. Utility is an economic term which is defined as satisfaction received by individuals from the consumption of goods and services. â€Å"In 1957, Simon proposed the notion of Bounded Rationality as that property of an agent that behaves in a manner that is nearly optimal with respect to its goals as its resources will allow† (Bounded Rationality: A Response to Rational Analysis, n.d). A search refers to a psychological process related to instinct of a person which helps him to find solution for a problem. The searches can be of different types like search for job, search for home, and search for other aspects of professional and personal life of human. The decision outcome of an individual is affected by his search as the decision made depends on the search process. Decision making is considered as a major activity in any organization. Decision making is important in any activity of an organization as it helps to choose the best course of action in carrying out any task, helps to find solution to any problem or to solve conflict within an organization. If a needle to sew a jean is of 4 inch and is along with other 1000 needles of different size in a haystack, then it will take more time in seeking the needle. So a satisficer would stop looking as soon as a needle is found which can sew the jeans. Every individual satisfice in their life during those situations when time is limited. â€Å"Congressional budget decision-making in the U.S., where the usual questions considered about a given (existing) agency might typically range from whether to cut 4 or 5 percent from its budget to whether to tack on a 5 or 10% increase. Congress very seldom stops to think seriously

Appraise the Lean Canvas as a model for start-up businesses. Provide Assignment

Appraise the Lean Canvas as a model for start-up businesses. Provide judgments and interpretations for each element of the model - Assignment Example Here the idea is not to make a perfect business plan, because a perfect plan is a myth. Most of the companies’ make an initial business plan which changes as one grows. Perfection is not the goal. The idea is to prepare a business plan and start a business with the available resources at hand. In this study we will take a start-up of a manufacturing company like a car manufacturing company named Drizzler which will cater to Indian market. Drizzler will import most of its part from outside India and assemble in India. Discussion Customer Segment Possible Customer List of this start-up is anyone who wants to buy a car to use it. But being a start-up business will cater to middle income level families. In India the middle Income population is rising and their income level is also rising (Osterwalder and Pigneur, 2013, p. 123). India being a developing country, its GDP is growing at a healthy rate as compared to the western developed economies. Hence the needs of the middle income families are also rising day by day. They demand products which were previously used by Upper level people. Drizzler will cater to such customers (Ramaswamy and Namakumari, 2009, p. 234). Value Proposition For a middle income family those who want to buy a car, they are driven mainly by desire to own a car. Drizzler will create a value for the segment by manufacturing car which will not be priced too high and having features which will meet the expectation of regular people. Hence if it can satisfy the need for safety, and the esteem needs, then it will cater to the need of average household (Nielsen and Lund, 2012, p. 52). The most important customer segment is the middle income households who wants a bike but can afford a car. It should cater to such families who want to drive car and have a feeling to owning a car and make it their first family car. This car will give them durability and safety which they seek (Kaplan, 2012, p. 42). It is another factor considered important to m iddle income families. Hence they should give a mileage of about 20-25 km/litre. The seating capacity should be for 5 persons with maximum speed of 200 km/hour. Channels The car will be sold through independent sales channel all over India. Such sales channel includes retail dealers present throughout India. Nowadays in India there has been a trend of increasing sales of car in the Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities. It indicates that they must have their presence of distribution channel in those cities. They will sell their products through retail dealers. They must use the advertisement which shows the value proposition it will deliver to the customers (Dent, 2011, p. 141). Through mediums like TV, newspaper, auto magazines and shows on car, it will help them drive their value proposition to the clients. They must also maintain a website which will clearly state the features and the local dealer present. Customer relationships The key to any business is the ability to know what the customer s want. Drizzler will maintain a strong and fast customer relationship programs. Drizzler will run a customer loyalty program. Drizzler will use a magnetic card for anyone who buys the product. When a customer buys a car, he gets points. When the magnetic card is swiped, then the representatives of

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Critique assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Critique assignment - Essay Example It was good that the working title of their report was itself the primary aim indicated in the abstract. The authors were apparently determined to be consistent throughout. However, they failed to narrow down the research title, which was too general. The abstract specifically said that the patients were 42 men but the title overlooked this. Also, though the title may be understandable to readers of varying backgrounds, the abstract looked informal and deviated from the usual academic tone. It had sub-headings, some of which were composed of phrases instead of recognized sentences. The abstract’s opening line â€Å"Aim: To assess changes in quality of life (QoL) and oxygen consumption produced by two different patterns of physical training in patients with congestive heart failure (CHF)† was certainly a phrase. Though the abstract gave an accurate synopsis of the report, it was just puzzling why such informality was allowed to be published by professors and by an intern ational journal. The report did mention how participants were allocated into three groups as part of the intervention process, but failed to specify the randomization technique used. The introduction part was not very direct in conveying its message to readers, whoever they may be. There was never any mention for whom the report was intended – whether it was for aspiring cardiologists, for physical therapists, for patients with CHF beyond the study’s jurisdiction, or for nearly anyone interested in the research. Moreover, the scientific explanations provided in the introduction lacked statistical backing, which would have strengthened the need or the rationale for conducting the research (University of Guelph, n.d.). For instance, the authors merely explained the meaning of congestive heart failure and its association with high mortality the way a medical dictionary would. The meaning did not prove the necessity for employing physical exercises to improve the QoL and oxygen

The History of Communication in the Acient World Research Paper

The History of Communication in the Acient World - Research Paper Example The invention of writing is assumed to have taken place as part of the commercial activities here, and the clay tablets of Mesopotamia show that trade by river and sea was a major channel of communication between centers of population. Writing was a crucial way of keeping track of goods between tradesmen and guaranteeing the prosperity of these early cities. The civilization of Ancient Egypt took the invention of writing to new levels by using the much more portable format of colored ink on carefully prepared papyrus made from the stems of plants that grew along the Nile. Longer texts could be written on this material, and it was much lighter and easier to transport than the heavy and fragile clay tablets of the Mesopotamian region. Hieroglyphic writing was used both in portable scrolls, and on huge monuments, proclaiming the greatness of this mighty civilization. The Phoenicians were also very active in the ancient world, traveling around the coastlines in their sailing craft, trans porting goods and ideas across very large distances. They must have encountered people from many different countries, speaking different languages, and this need to communicate internationally may well have inspired the symbols which the Phoenicians used and these provide the building blocks which make up modern Western alphabets. The Greek civilization was renowned for its expansionism in a military sense but also for its philosophy and its invention of democracy as a form of government. In ancient times Greek ideas were passed from place to place through a combination of conquest and alliance as different cities became part of the Greek empire. Homer’s Odyssey, for example, describes how great leaders communicated to their citizens using direct word of mouth: â€Å"Straightway he bade the clear-voiced heralds to summon to the assembly the long-haired Achaeans† (Homer, Odyssey, 2.6). Human messengers were the main means of communication over longer distances between r ulers of cities and states, and without modern technologies like telephones and mechanized transport, it took a very long time for news to travel back and forth. Hellenism, as the Greek influence is called, was the bearer of many cultural traditions, including ideas about education, the arts and philosophy. Greek citizens took their culture with them as they colonized new areas, often combining new ideas from other cultures with their Greek way of thinking. Many Greek artefacts borrowed ideas from cultures which had better designs and production technologies , such as Persia, for example, showing that trade was a bearer of culture as well as material benefits (Miller, 1997, p. 202). In the time of Greek supremacy great cosmopolitan hubs were created which served as a central pool of ideas from outlying areas. It was Persia also, which first invented a system of mail service, carrying documents and portable items along staged routes between key cities. The Greeks built libraries, pre serving knowledge, and communicating it from generation to generation, so that scientific discoveries and technological advances could be passed on. People traveled far and wide to learn from great Greek teachers like Socrates, who greatly influenced the history of ideas. The Roman civilization brought many artefacts, ideas and traditions from their Mediterranean to the northernmost parts of Europe, and to North Africa and Asia also. The main channel of communication was the military roads that the armies built as

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Dark Tourism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Dark Tourism - Essay Example On the other hand, the prevalence of the practice seems to indicate that there is wide appeal among people from all walks of life for dark tourism, and that there seems to be no common agreement as to whether the practice appeals to those who are seemingly inclined to dark tourism to satisfy some inner dark craving, or whether dark tourism as a practice is one that is essentially spiritual, or that serve some higher spiritual purpose. At any rate it is apparent from the large body of literature on the subject matter that dark tourism is prevalent, is institutionalized, and does not seem to incite people to commit crimes, or to trample on the rights of other people, and in some cases have some spiritual merit for those who pursue dark tourism, in terms of being able to precisely confront death and the darker side of human nature. This paper posits that depending on the motive and depending on whether the practice transgresses the fundamental rights and liberties of people, then from a philosophical perspective, dark tourism can be philosophically ethical or not. This paper further posits that some forms of dark tourism are ethical and some are not ethical, and it is the duty of the authorities to make sure that places that become popular dark tourist destinations are configured, and the travels and trips so structured, so that they do not cause harm to others both living and dead, and conform to common standards of decency and ethics. (Katz 2006; Mulin 2013; Stone and Sharpley 2008; Roberts 2013).

Decision analysis task 1 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Decision analysis task 1 - Research Paper Example Based on a quantitative analysis of the above results of assembly line balancing tool, the overall efficiency of the workflow at the Shuzworld production facility for Rugged Wear boots assembly line can significantly be improved by reducing the number of workstations from the current 8 to five and combining certain tasks at some of the workstations in order to minimize idle time. Generally, it is evident that a number of the current tasks in the production facility can effectively be performed in one cycle without the need to exceed the cycle time. For example, task A takes full cycle time (10min) and therefore should be left on its one station alone. On the other hand, task B and C require 9 minutes and 10 minutes cycle while task D is an 8 minute task. However, the three tasks EF and G can easily be performed by a single workstation. This decision can be explained in the calculations below: Finally, the choice of assembly line balancing as a decisions tool in the workflow analysis is particularly based on the fact that it enables the organization to effectively determine the layout and organize its assembly line in the most efficient way by using the correct number of workstations (Heizer and Render, 2010). The initial and ongoing costs required for the new sandal line that is currently being introduced including the number of hours and the cost of labor every month can effectively be determined using an appropriate decision analysis tool. In this task, the selected decision making tool is the learning curves. Learning curves decision making tool has particularly been chosen because it provides the most appropriate way of analyzing both the initial and ongoing costs needed (Goemans and Williamson,1997). In addition, the tool also establishes the important relationship between the times required for the production. Based on this analysis, it has been determined that a 4 month

Monday, September 23, 2019

Innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 4

Innovation - Essay Example However, it is one thing to require a certain technology and another to implement it in an organisation. Introduction of new technologies is quite challenging for managers irrespective of the size of an organisation. New technologies require the management to arrange for extensive training, which results in resistance from some quarters. As a manager one will be required to first understand how to manage change since the process is stressful and, most often than not, change creates tension in the workplace (Rogers, 2003). This paper aims at using technological determinism to inform a manager when introducing surveillance technology in the workplace. Attitude is a critical aspect in the introduction of any kind of technology in the workplace. Employers nowadays are heavily relying on workplace surveillance technologies to assess various issues. Surveillance in this context will include, but not limited to, video monitoring, tracking as well as phone and computer use. Introduction of any technology in the workplace results into some form of transition. It is, therefore, critical for a manager to consult employees through one-on-one interactions or a survey depending on the size of the organisation. Consultations aim at pinpointing problematic areas and concerns which ultimately eases transition to the new technology. In the process of consultations, it is essential for the management to clearly elaborate on the positive differences that the new technology will bring not only to the employees but also the organisation at large (Bijker and Law, 1995). It is, nevertheless, vital to consider the human factor before launching of this surveillance technology. The society, and in this case the employees, will always have certain expectations from this new technology. Employees have previously worked without this new technology and hence need assurances

Human Resource Management in Construction Essay

Human Resource Management in Construction - Essay Example Training involves various methods and programs all with intentions of improving workers performance and also self-fulfilment. Due to current advancements, training applies to all kinds of employees from line workers to chief executive officer. Construction companies require a skilled workforce and thus encourage training to improve efficiency in their organizations. Developmental training programs involve broader skills that apply to a wider several situations. It will further increase the competence of the employees. According to the section, 42 of the Industrial Relations Act, 1990 stipulates for the formulation of draft Regulation of Practice by the Labour Relations Commission. The code of practice includes general guidelines on the application of grievance and disciplinary procedures. The law outlines principles of fair procedures between the employees and their employers. The procedures are necessary to ensure that claims are dealt with in relation the principles of natural justice and fairness. They are essential in maintaining discipline in the workplace by implementing disciplinary measures in a consistence manner that is fair to all people involved.2 The procedures have an advantage in that they allow for updating n reviewing periodically being consistent with changing circumstances and developments in the workplace and employment legislations. There are number of stages in handling discipline and grievance procedures. In the first instance, one needs to raise the issue with the immediate officer. If not solved the matter can progress to higher management following the agreed arrangements. According to Acas’ booklet â€Å"code of practice 1: Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures† (2009) Third party may be involved to aid in solving the issue. He may be either an internal or external mediator as long as he is not part of the disciplinary or grievance issue.3 Some cases will not be capable of being solved

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Nature of Health Service Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Nature of Health Service Management - Essay Example It was founded to serve three major purposes: to offer uniform healthcare in all parts of the UK; provide free health services to all citizens without discrimination based on medical requirements; and lastly, to offer all-inclusive services covering medical needs. The name NHS refers to three of the four state financed healthcare systems in the UK including the English NHS, NHS Scotland, NHS Wales, and Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland (HSC). The NHS offers all-inclusive health services to all basic and community healthcare, intermediate care and hospital-based care, and provides information services, as well as helping individuals in relation to health promotion, disease prevention, self-care, rehabilitation and after-care (NHS, 2010). The current NHS boasts of a new constitution mandate of the government in enhancing NHS accountability in the provision of a comprehensive health service out of national taxation and support (DH, 2010. P.4). The NHS is under Department of Hea lth that is headed by the secretary of state for health who answers to the prime minister, which also runs England’s 10 Strategic Health Authorities (SHAs) - which manage all NHS activities in England, with each SHA supervising all the NHS trusts in its jurisdiction (NHS, 2010).   ... The trusts include structural facilities and other facilities such as medical evacuation services, ambulance services, and consultation services. There are various NHS trusts and authorities overseeing running of NHS, which include acute trusts, primary care trusts, ambulance trusts, care trusts, mental health trusts, foundation trusts, strategic health authorities, and special health authorities. Primary care trusts (PCTs) provide health and social care services for general health needs of local communities. Generally, there are about 151 PCTs in England, controlling 80% of NHS budget (NHS, 2010). Acute trusts oversee running of hospitals, ensuring hospitals offer good health services and meet financial obligations. Ambulance trusts offer emergency link to healthcare through ambulance services. Basically, there are 12 ambulance services in England dealing with emergencies that are categorized into category A emergencies that are life-threatening condition and category B or C emergen cies that are not life threatening (NHS, 2010). On the other hand, care trusts are institutions that offer both health and social care services, and currently, there are very few. Mental health trusts offer health and social care services to patients with mental health problems through primary care or specialist care. Moreover, strategic health authorities oversee management of local NHS on behalf of the secretary of state, and they were formed by government in 2002 (NHS, 2010). Lastly, special health authorities are national institution offering health services to entire country and are not restricted to a local community. The NHS is managed by health

Pyscological Disorders Essay Example for Free

Pyscological Disorders Essay Behaviourism has many different strengths and weaknesses. One strength of the approach is that is has successfully applied classical and operant condition to its theories. This is strength as it is used in different therapies such as systematic desensitization, which is a type of behaviour therapy to help overcome phobias and other anxiety disorders; it is based on classical conditioning. Another strength is that it uses scientific methods of research making it much more objective, measurable and observable as well as being able to obtain reliable results. An example of this is Banduras’ bobo doll of study of aggression. However, there are also weaknesses to this approach. The Behaviourism approach focuses too much on the â€Å"nurture† side of nature/nurture debate and suggests that all behaviour is learned. However, research has shown that cognitive and biological elements have been proved to affect individual’s behaviour. For example, people learn behaviour by observing others getting rewarded for certain actions. Another weakness is the ethical issues raised by using animals in experiments. This is because animals cannot consent to take part and are unable to withdraw themselves from experiments, for example, Pavlov’s dog studies. A major strength of this theory is that it is quick and affordable. As the behaviourism theory focuses on the future and what is happening now instead of the past, treatment can be quick and effective as they are not discussing past experiences which may be time consuming. However, because this theory ignores past experiences and influences, it may cause problems as individuals may need to discuss past experiences in order to sort their emotions out. Because this theory ignores them and focuses on present experiences it can cause a major problem as people may not be able to benefit from the therapy as they need to discuss their past. * Social Learning Theory: The Social Learning theory was developed my Albert Bandura who believed that we can learn by observing others. This theory however, has different strengths and weaknesses. One of the great strengths of the social learning theory is that it combines important models of learning. This therefore makes it a good education theory. Another strength is that children are seen are easy to teach and any child can be taught. Albert believed that motivation comes largely through praise. The praise, however, is seen indirectly, since it is the model that is praised, not the child. Once motivated, the model provides the bulk of teaching. The general concept is that children just the right environment to begin learning useful skills. Another strength is that it is an easy theory to grasp and it seems to be generally proven by actual experience. For example, when learning to play football, individuals often first watch a game on TV, which provides the inspiration and motivation to learn to play. However, there are weaknesses that question if this theory is correct. The main weakness of this theory is that is does not include the child’s cognitive development. While there are some cognitive insights in the social learning theory, they are not explained. Albert believed that a child was seen as a sponge, absorbing information through modelling. However, the child’s contribution to how models are absorbed is processed and worked out through time and is not present to any extent in the theory. Another weakness is that is does not have any given cause. The social learning theory explains that motivation exists though praise. However, it seems that motivation is socially conditioned, and therefore relative. The social learning then takes the basic social structure as normative and standard, without judgement. * Psychodynamic: This theory was developed by Sigmund Freud and Erik Erickson and believed that we are not always aware of all aspects of ourselves. They ignored all science theories and focused going â€Å"inside the head†. However this theory has different strengths and weaknesses. One strength of the psychodynamic theory is that is focused on the effects that childhood experiments have on the personality. This is a strength because Freud was the first psychologist to realise the importance of childhood. It also led to other psychologists including Piaget developing theories on childhood. Another strength is that it takes both nature and nurture into account. This is a major strength as is emphasise the importance of both. For example, Freud’s assumption of childhood experiences focused on nurture whereas the ID, Ego and Super-ego focused on nature. However, a weakness of the psychodynamic approach is that it is capable of being tested. This is a weakness because the assumptions cannot be scientifically measured or proved wrong, for example, is the idea of the mind being split into three parts. This cannot be proven so therefore questions if its valid information. Another weakness is that it suggests that all behaviour is pre-determined and people do not have free will. * Biological approach: The biological approach was developed by Arnold Gessel who explained the developmental process and stages involved from conception onwards. A strength of this theory is that it is very scientific. This is a major strength because the experiments used are measurable, objective and can be repeated to obtain reliable results. Also, the researcher has more control over the variable. Another strength of the approach is that it increases the likelihood of being able to treat people with abnormal behaviour and provides explanations about the causes of behaviour. This is a major strength as it can be used to improve people’s lives. However, a weakness of the biological approach is that is focuses too much on the â€Å"nature† side of the nature/nurture debate. It argues that behaviour is caused by hormones, neurotransmitters and genetics. Another weakness of the biological approach is that it develops theories about disorders and generalises them to apply to everyone. It does not take into account the view that humans are unique. An example for is that general adaption syndrome assumes that everyone responds in the same way to stress but does not take into account that some people have or need more support than others. * Cognitive: The Cognitive theory was development by Jean Piaget who believed children are born with a very basic mental structure, genetically inherited and evolved, in which all subsequent learning and knowledge is based. One strength of the cognitive approach is that is looks at thought processes which were ignored by other psychologists, especially behaviourists. It looks at processes such as memory, attention and perception which all have an effect on our behaviour. Another strength of this approach is that its theories have been applied to cognitive therapies such as rational emotive therapy which is a therapy that focuses on resolving emotional and behavioural problems and helping people to lead happier and more fulfilling lives. This therapy has been successful in changing irrational thoughts so that behaviour improves. However, a weakness of the cognitive approach is that it reduces human behaviour down to individual processes such as memory and attention. This is a weakness because the human is a product of all the processes working together and not just individual parts. Another weaknesses is that the approach is too mechanical, it compares the human to computers and suggests they have similar though processes. This is a weakness as humans are much more complex than computers. * Humanistic: The humanistic approach was developed by a psychologist called Abraham Maslow who observed the study of the whole person. He looked at human behaviour not only through the eyes of the observed, but through the eyes of the person doing the behaving. A strength of this theory is that is focuses on both the positive nature of humankind and the free will associated with change. Another strength is the way in which many of its aspects fit well with other approaches. Many therapies have provided a more humanistic undertone in their work with clients. Even though they may argue that the humanistic theory does not go far enough, they see the benefit in helping people change. However, a weakness of this theory if that is appears to centre on its lack of concrete treatment on specific issues. With the basic concept behind the theory being free will, it is difficult to develop treatments and study the effectiveness of this theory. Secondly, there are those who believe that the humanistic theory does not help those with more severe personality or mental health problems. Another weakness is that this theory is still not complete as there are different questions that are still unanswered. For example, are people basically good or are their some individuals who are not capable of this? As these questions are still unanswered it questions if the theory is effective.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

History of Guitar Essay Example for Free

History of Guitar Essay Music has always been a part of the world’s culture throughout the history. Way back thousands of years ago, people utilized their body parts such as their mouth, hands and feet, in order to create sounds. However, due to people’s inventiveness and resourcefulness, they have begun to use different materials that are part of their everyday life so the creation of musical instruments has begun. One of those discovered and invented instruments is guitar. This paper endeavors to present detailed information with regards to the history of guitar. First, it will provide a definition of the term ‘musical instrument,’ and its types. Then, it will also provide a definition of the musical instrument ‘guitar. ’ Second, it will trace and narrate its history. And lastly, it will reveal its benefits to the society. Furthermore, it will give a brief knowledge its contemporary status in the society. Musical instrument, traditionally, is any sound-producing material that comes from any culture, activated in any means, and is utilized for making what is universally and frequently known as â€Å"music. † It encompasses automatic or mechanical however it also includes recording or playback device (Rice). It is classified into different types namely: (1) idiophones, which consists of cymbals, triangles, gongs, castanets, bells, xylophones; (2) membranophones, which consists of drums, a skin or membranes is extended and stretched across a reverberating cavity; (3) chordophones or instruments that produce and make sounds by way of vibration of one or more strings stretched amidst two fixed points. It can be a guitar, lupe, harp, violin, cello; (4) aerophones which are blowing devices that use vibration of the air. These include trumpets, clarinets, flutes, bagpipes, whistle (qtd. n Wade 10). Guitar is a stringed instrument, which looks like the lute or the violin, however, it is bigger in size and has six strings: three of them are silk-covered silver wire and the other three are catgut (â€Å"Guitar†). It is a globally mobile instrument by which form, tonal textures and playing strategies and techniques are result of its appropriation. It is utilized in various locally specific musical contexts (Bennett and Dawe 1). It is made of wood, akin with lute, however, it has a more box-shaped resonator—the general characteristic of the instrument. All through the history, its strings are played by either a plectrum or a finger. It possesses a circular soundhole in its center (Wade 12). The modern English terminology for ‘guitar’ came from the Spanish term ‘guittara’ and was derived from Arabic and Latin terms ‘qitara’ and ‘cithara,’ respectively. These terms were derived from ‘kithara,’ and earlier Greek word, and from the Persian term ‘sithar’. â€Å"‘Sithar’ itself is related to the Indian instrument, the sitar† (â€Å"History of Guitar†). The history of guitar is traced hundred of years ago. It has been established along with other ancestor instruments known as lyres and harps, which are mentioned in the Old Testament, Mesopotamian long-necked lutes, string instruments delineated in ancient Babylonian and Egyptian art (Wade 13). The oldest famous representation of the instrument that displays all its important features is on a 3,300-year old stone carving of Hittite bard (â€Å"History of Guitar†) found at Alaca Hoyuk (Wade 13). Throughout the Middle Ages, three, four, five-string guitars do exist. The Guittara Latina, which has curved sides, is said and thought to have originated in Spain (â€Å"Acoustic Guitar History†). It is a product per se of a long and multifaceted history of various influences (â€Å"History of Guitar†). Renaissance is the chosen period that is said to be the suitable starting point of guitar because it is during this epoch that the instrument is already in relation to music (Turnbull 2). During this period, composers wrote most of the time in tablature (â€Å"Acoustic Guitar History†), a musical notation relatively different from the modern ones. Its page usually looked flamboyant, ornate and complicated but for musicians and instrumentalists, it has been a very practical, useful and a straightforward method and manner of transforming symbols into sounds (Wade 18). Nevertheless, in this period, the guitar never possessed the respect that the lute has because it has not been regarded as a serious instrument. The first publication for guitar was recognized to have come from Alonso Muddara’s â€Å"Tres Libros de Musica en Cifras para Vihuela. † Finally, the guitar commenced to attract instrumentalists hence; there had been an increase in publication and music (â€Å"Some Guitar History†). Italy became the center of guitar in 17th century. In the late 18th century subsequent to the addition of the sixth string, the Spanish school of guitar making flourished. In the era of 19th century, there was already an enhanced and improved communication and transportation that allowed the performers to journey around the world, thus, the guitar evolved to become a widely known musical instrument (â€Å"Acoustic Guitar History†). The aspects and dimensions of the modern classical guitar were established and founded by Antonio Torres, who works in Seville in 1850 (â€Å"History of Guitar†). Guitar music then became popular in Spain. The development in guitar that was done by Torres signified alterations in appearance. The modern guitar took the form of a broadened body, the waist curve was increased and the belly was thinned. An improvement with regards to its internal bracing was designed; single string courses were replaced by double courses and the machine head replaced the wooden tuning pegs (â€Å"Acoustic Guitar History†). By the end of the 19th century, the guitar has fallen out of favor. However, it was revived by Francisco Tarrega, who was known for his â€Å"Receurdos de la Alhambra. † He performed in public and chose to perform for his friends at his home. He wrote a technique on how to teach guitar. He also transcribed a myriad of musical pieces for guitar. He was also considered as the pioneer of playing guitar with fingernails; which evolved into a tradition (â€Å"Some Guitar History†). Most of the credit and recognition regarding the development of guitar was carried on to the Europeans. Today, steel-string acoustic guitars are developed by the Americans. In the early 20th century, when European emigrants arrived in America, a number of them are highly skilled musical instrument makers, which includes those specialists in the steel-stringed guitar. There are two kinds of production that have evolved—the flat-top guitar and the arch-top guitar (â€Å"Acoustic of Guitar History†). When guitar technology has finally led and made its way to the United States in the early 19th century, it was Charles Friedrich Martin, a guitar maker who migrated in New York in 1833, who initiated it. In early 1900s, the Martin Company produced and made larger guitar instruments yet still adhered and abided with the classic model designs, especially the Spanish guitar (â€Å"How a Guitar is Made: Background†). The lineage of the guitar is huge and arduous to trace especially because there is a partial misconception that the guitar is a direct successor of the lute. The lack of reputation and prominence of guitar in history is aptly due to the fact that it attracts little heed from good composers and musicians until the 20th century (â€Å"A Contextual Background†). The creation of guitar has been of vital importance in the field of music. It is a representation and embodiment of discovery, inventiveness, imagination and expression of performing intelligence and skill. The early guitar bestowed significant contributions during the Baroque period. The guitar and guitar ancestors took hold of the attention of folk culture and the middle class way back the Baroque era as well as the Classical period (â€Å"A Contextual Background†). The instrument represents an abstract idea, a mode of thinking with regards to sound and a mode of identifying and recognizing cultures. The guitar is a fundamental icon in American culture and other cultures around the world. There are several versions of stringed instruments that are crafted and created as distant away from Japan, and are developed into the orchestra. It also forms unique variations like the Sitar of India (â€Å"The Linage of Guitar Construction†). The growth of the guitar in the course of history is in a two-fold path. The technical progression and developments have been enthralling, fascinating and fundamental. Nevertheless, nourishing and developing that evolution and development has been the social element of guitar’s reputation and recognition. The mechanical alterations that have been demanded socially contributed to its better and louder instrumentation. Thus, there have been documentations on its development and journey. The guitar’s progression in the course of time is one of the mirrors that culture indeed changes over time. It evolves just like how the guitar evolves (Kentor and Michaels 10). The guitar is not just an embodiment of one’s culture and time. It is also a representation of the status of whoever owns it especially during the ancient times because most people in the middle class owned a guitar. Its development serves a reflection that people’s ingenuity, thinking and creativity do enhance and progress, alongside with the culture that they belong. The creation of guitar has helped a lot in the music industry because it accompanies and produces sound even without the use of electricity. It is purely mechanical because only the fingers or a pick is used in playing. However, the invention of electric guitar has contrasted that fact. Compared to the classic mechanical guitar, it produces louder and better sound. On the other hand, the discovery and creation of electronic music, music that can be created even without musical instruments at hand—purely digital, has given way to the somewhat â€Å"death† of guitar industry. It is now being taken for granted little by little even though there are still some who take hold of its importance and still utilize it in composing and crafting new musical pieces.

Hanif Rajput Catering Services Management Essay

Hanif Rajput Catering Services Management Essay Hanif Rajput Catering Services, a renowned, immaculate, trust worthy and qualified service provider holds a well-known name amongst the elite group of people in Pakistan for its reputation and excellence in catering and cuisines for weddings, business events and other ceremonies. Hanif Rajput has an exceptional management team and a flawless service Its success depends on the fact that it aims to provide highest standards in terms of quality to their valued customers. The company takes help of different marketing techniques to stay on top of its business area. Despite what the company claims to offer, it is experiencing stagnant sales over the past few years. This research will provide answers to the problem identified. Now what are the reasons for this decline was the main purpose of this study. Interviews and questionnaire surveys were conducted to get the clear picture. Hanif Rajput, an event management company is one of the best and the largest companies in Pakistan. Hanif Rajput being one of the biggest and best companies in this industry does not escape from having internal flaws and inside management clashes. Companys management style has changed from what it was followed before and the employees are not adjusting to it. Vendors on the companys panel were directly dealing with the clients Direct contact of clients with vendors through companys booking managers has played a vital role in decreased sales. Money instead of coming into the company is going into their pockets. Managers are omitting minute details during planning and organizing of an event. Those minute details are frequently among the most imp factors that determine the success and failure of an event. Mr. Ali Ehsan(GM of the company) said that Hanif Rajput Company trys its best to eliminate such minute errors to make their events perfect. Introduction: Marketing Guru, Philip Kotler, defines  events as occurrences designed to communicate particular messages to target audiences.   Suresh Pillai, Managing Director, Eventus Management, considers events as an additional media whereby two-way or active communication is possible. Entertainment is the irrefutable need of us humans, but for Pakistanis and to be more precise Lahoris food and weddings takes away the biggest portion in the pie. Hanif Rajput being in the event management sector (mainly catering) for so long serves the same purpose. Hanif Rajput Catering Services, a renowned, immaculate, trust worthy and qualified service provider holds a well-known name amongst the elite group of people in Pakistan for its reputation and excellence in catering and cuisines for weddings, business events and other ceremonies. HRCS was formed 14 years ago through a partnership between late Mr. Hanif Rajput and Mr. Rana Ashraf Khan in 1991. Since 1994, Hanif Rajput Catering Services sole ownership was legally transferred to Mr. Rana Ashraf Khan and since then it has become even more successful with its high quality services to the residents of the twin cities and its surroundings. In addition to the residents of Islamabad and Rawalpindi, HRCS has provided high quality services to a multicultural clientele varying from the lively Punjabis in Lahore to the exuberant Pathans in Peshawar, from Dera Ismail Khan to Muzaffarabad as well as Gilgit. (Hanif Rajput 1979, Tender Bid Offer) Hanif Rajput an Overview Hanif Rajput, caterers was launched in 1979 by (late) Muhammad Hanif Rajput at Karachi. Since its inception, the company has emerged as the leading and fastest growing catering organization in the country. The rapid expansion and continued diversification of the business are attributable to three essential factors: precise planning, adherence to quality standards enthusiastic teamwork. The remarkable record of business growth and companys recognition in the area of catering owes largely to the managements commitment to stay on top in catering organization. Today Hanif Rajput is the finest catering organization in terms of quality food and it enjoys a vast range of clientele. (Hanif Rajput, 1979, Tender Bid Offer) Today the company has diversified its business to further stream line its operations. Hanif Rajput caterers Hanif Rajput Industrial and Field Management Service HR Mobiles (Pvt.) Ltd Quality Policy The management and staff of Hanif Rajput industrial and Field Management Services strongly believe that there is no substitute of hard work and honesty for providing highest standard of services to their valued customers. Business Ethics Hanif Rajput industrial and felid management services is strongly committed to ethical business relationships based on mutual trust and providing qualitative services at competitive price . in the context of this commitment, the companys employees are not permitted to accept any type of gratification whatsoever from the suppliers and vendors. Similarly, Hanif Rajput does not expect from its clients Vision To stay on top in our business area Hanif Rajput is committed mentioned vision through these under mentioned pointers. Quality Management High Standard of Food Customer Satisfaction A positive impact on the people we serve Mission Right from the beginning we have had a mission to maintain quality. The kind of quality that one is recognized by. That is why to meet the ever increasing demands of our customers; we have laid down certain principles that ensure consistently better services and a satisfied customer base. Quality food at competitive cost Dependable operation by qualified professionals and wireless network systems Assured Prompt Service Companys Objectives To provide services to our valued customers to the best of our ability based on internationally recognized standards. To ensure reliable and sustainable operations To provide quality services at sustainable costs To pursue and maintain consistent improvement in quality systems Strategy HR corporate strategy is to build out existing competencies within the group and to establish a culture of exceptional performance with a view to set a platform from future market expansion. Hanif Rajput Services Wedding Lawns Outdoor Catering Avenues HR Mobiles (Pvt.) Ltd Garrison Banquet Halls (GBH) Industry Overview Marketing Guru, Philip Kotler, defines  events as occurrences designed to communicate particular messages to target audiences.   Suresh Pillai, Managing Director, Eventus Management, considers events as an additional media whereby two-way or active communication is possible. Miss.  P. PIRAKATHEESWARI, Lecturer in Commerce, Sri Sarada College for Women in her article says that  management of an event encompasses all activities involved in planning, organizing, staffing, leading and evaluation of an event.   In fact, all operational task for an event such as the ground work, viz., venue selection and stage design, arranging the infrastructural facilities required, liaison with artists/ performers and networking with other activities such as advertising, PR, ticket sales, etc., fall under the purview of event management. Events industry is extremely diverse and fragmented and might overlap with other industries such as hotels. This industry comprise of wedding events, business/ corporate events, outdoor events and tradeshows. Pakistani event Management Industry includes about 4000 companies with combined annual revenue of Rs 100 billion. Major companies include Hanif Rajput, Jalal and Sethi, Iris, Harman Events, Al Waseem events, Ali Hodges events, Spark and Sparkles, Impact productions etc. This industry is fragmented. The top companies make about 50% of the industry revenue. Demand is driven by overall economic activity and profits. Small companies manage their profits by retaining valuable staff and managing costs where as large companies have the advantage of negotiating labor, they have multiple locations, multiple suppliers and transportation. (Aug. 27, 2012, Trade shows and event planning services) This industrys primary function is producing and managing different events, trade shows, conferences etc. other than that this industry design, builds, ships booths for tradeshows for individual exhibitors. Event management industry overall is growing at a fast pace. Prior to rescission and even in the rescission season this industry was experiencing growth. This industry has shown considerable boom in the past 10 years and has outperformed many sectors in the economy. According to a research conducted by (Eventias Member Survey February 2009), we have seen that events are down by more than 10%. Public sector despite the recession is still sending money on the events. There is an increase in public events and spending on festivals is increasing drastically. Despite inflation, public spending is increasing. With this increase and with rising trend towards event management, a lot of event management companies are emerging. Due to this, competition between event organizers has also amplified because they are all invited to deal for the same purpose. Event industry is diversifying to increase their offer and improving their customer service skills to deal with this elevated competition. Industrys outstanding current performance is a hint for its future success. Being an international industry, some sort of international standards can be put into place for events in the future. Technology being developed we see that the technological trends will continue to grow along with face to face customer interactions. Furthermore in the next ten to fifteen years, Pakistan is seen hosting several high profile events which will provide organizers to gain ample experience and skills to organize events on enormous scale. Literature Review Moise Daniela *, Georgescu Bogdanb, Zgură Danielc in their article The use of event marketing management strategies tells that events evolve and changes with the development of mankind. Events are part of social, cultural and economic factors in accordance to various tertiary sectors. Events can be defined as nonstandard services in which knowledge, behavior commitment to service providers is very crucial. Contentment of customers comprises of well integrated communication with clients, event venue, design, the management system and the staff. Organizations should take into account the types of customers that they address with new events, so they have to develop new events or to diversify the actual ones. (Rutherford, 2008) considers that the event marketing management process is a cross complex of flows of management processes with management and marketing functions. As shown, the functional units grouped by subject area, form the fabric to manufacture an event. The process starts with a lot of research, continuing with event planning, the organization implementation and at the end of event the final evaluation. Departments from the administration, operations, marketing and risk management and not only, are involved in a greater or less matter of carrying out the tasks. As all of them have met different problems in setting up an event, and can come with various solutions or proposals. Constantly bringing together the various creative disciplines in new areas of experience transforms any event into a unique experience. When combining different sensory impressions, receptors are taken in other worlds, identifying factors and factors of the event experience can hardly be overcome. Their enormous power of attraction combined with deep emotions; determine harmonious events to become important aspects of marketing communication. They create customer loyalty and enhance the sense of group, or we, members of a team (Daab, 2007).The increase of invol vement of commercial customers and the increase of number of events, illustrate their significant importance in advertising (Filip, 2011). Managing and organizing an event properly requires well incorporation of disciplines, but in order to produce effective results and implementation two fields are very crucial: marketing and management. Without these the event can never exist. Event marketing addresses both to customers and business partners of an organization as well as employees working in a company. Marketing is followed by conduction of two kinds of researches. On one hand it address to stakeholders and the extent to which it outsources or moves to other companies for their effective implementation of these events, and on the other hand, the employees opinion about the effectiveness of events, and also proposals, to really become perfect Marketing Events, in terms of participants (Olteanu, 2005). In terms of organizing events that address to target customers and other business partners (Davidson Rogers, 2007): Accessible locations, with enough parking spaces, large spaces; Greater attention to detail, in providing maps of presentation to all participants; Innovative and exciting ideas, approaching broader and more complex themes, with a high degree of novelty; Compliance with the program and the exact start and end. Strict timing of presentation sessions, without any exception; The menu to take account also of the needs of all participants the vegetarians The best possible sound system, enjoyable music, more prepared speakers; The use of translators, because not every participant may know the international language spoken; The events to be the most concise possible and to be transmitted only the most important, late minute information concerning the specified domain; The guests to be successful people at least in the certain domain, either from abroad or national ones, and the contact information of the speakers for a subsequent collaboration or for an explanation of some problems; The events to be unique, in order to catch the attention of the participants, but also to have a direct approach and the message to be a simple one; A proper environment to be created for the networking development, by organizing some sessions between the participants in order to exchange experience. The success of an event depends of the efficiency of the event marketing and management. It is therefore crucial for marketing managers to give sufficient time and energy for future planning; as the realization of the marketing management is the manifestation of the event. Marketing management strategy of the planning process comprises of practical value and it defines and forms the future of the organization and responds to changes in technology, environmental conditions and meets the needs of customers, and also the employees. Strategies for interactive communication, with external and internal stakeholders, in events marketing by Moise Daniela *, Georgescu Bogdanb, Zgură Danielc confers that interactive communication is a key element in the development of events including the company that creates events, organizations that order invents and the participants/employees within the company. The success of any event highly depends upon the properly managed and good communication with the clients as well as the employees in a company. The effect of the communications can be positive or negative. Any company that sends across the information or message about their products and services must be integrated well in order for the consumers to have a succinct image of the offer of the organization. According strictly from this point of view of the proper interactive communication, the organizers of events have available the following strategic options (Goldblatt, 2005): The use of some media communication means of the type: advertising at the place of sale (posters, billboards, flyers), information indicators, user guides, environment; The use of some interpersonal: communication means of the type: personnel in contact, commercial contact (in case of fairs,, exhibitions, etc.), clients (orally promotion). Companies appeal to a large number of target audience while creating events, the means of communication can be external or internal. The most important criteria that is taken into account while conducting events and outlining a budget depends upon the type of event, the way in which it is realized (in direct labor, outsourced or joint), the location where the event takes place ( must be taken into account if the organization has space assigned and sufficient for the development of the event because in case that the space is too small for the number of participants their experience can be unpleasant), the period in which the event takes place (it firstly must be considered also the availability of the participants to come to the event) and the participation tax ( if for some events the participation or the entrance is free, for other events there exists a participation tax of which quantum increases in direct proportion with the demand for such an event). The internal communication is an important component of marketing mix which represents the interior of a company which plays an essential role in ensuring the proper management of events to the audience from the internal environment and the ones created and delivered in the interactive marketing. Internal communication is indissolubly related to the communicates through the event. (Filip, 2011) Therefore, it aims at the attraction, support and agreement of the personnel, the increase of the degree of its involvement in the realization of the event. Communication is preferred with the employees, introducing the new employee once he/she enters in the organization, and even when they leave the organization. In this way, the internal communication of the marketing ranks with the managerial communication, at the superior management level, having a specific role, the one of contributing to the attaining of the objectives stipulated in the marketing plans of the organization. Its objectives are derived from the ones of the marketing, being included in some specific programs, using specific means of internal communication. (Olteanu, 2005). There are various means of internal communication that are or can be used by the companies for effective results. Newsletters in a written form, Web sites, Blogs, Other printed materials such as brochures, internal notes, announcements posted on the bulletin board etc. The organizations that communicate with their own employees can recourse to a wide range of events through which they can send a diversity of messages for attaining the marketing objectives. (Masterman Wood, 2006) Jonathan Reynold in his writing Common Problems Faced by Event Organizers: What Is the Solution? states that event Management is a business that is on its boom. But on the other hand event organizers are facing a lot of problems these days. The main problem faced by them is the competition. Before the emergence of the internet people had no concept social media platforms and online promotions of events, activities and other things. However with the internet and awareness of social media, enterprises are now facing a tough challenge merging their traditional marketing strategies with the more advanced online promotional tactics. Event organizers now days face a lot of problems managing events. The basic problem faced in arranging events is budget. People are not spending more money on their events and designers on the other hand have to keep the clients budget in mind and give them the best they could. Due to inflation and other recessionary economic problems planners are not being able to cater to the clients requirements with the given budgets. Event planners must keep in mind the amount of money required to book and decorate the venue. Moreover there is a dire need to recruit additional staff to manage the business. Event attendance is also going down due to the worldwide economic crises. People are showing reluctance in attending corporate meetings and trade shows and because of this many companies/ organizers are failing to sell their entire inventory. Conference or meeting management problems are also seen. Companies are also seen hiring outsiders for help because one person cannot manage logistical aspects of a conference for their attendees. This outsourcing takes a lot of time because suitable staff is not easy to find. And even if they find it it takes time to make them understand the work flow system. These problems and issues can be managed easily now. Social media integration has become a common need now. Individuals are no longer using social media sites for personal reasons. They are using these social networking sites such as facebook, twitter, MySpace etc to meet urgent business needs. To address these growing issues and effectively manage events, organizers are seen taking the help of various types of online event management solutions. This article, Business Development in the Event Management Industry written by Himanshu Sharma discusses the different techniques of developing business. For successful business development a keen eye on the market should be maintained, every move of your competitor must be monitored, every new product in the market must be considered while making marketing decisions and different marketing strategies should be adopted. In the event management industry most of the work is done via outsourcing. There could be different kind of outsourcing for example social event outsourcing, corporate event outsourcing, charitable event outsourcing and so on. Companies often outsource their marketing campaigns to different event management companies as these companies are well equipped for the job. They usually consist the right logistic, man power, equipments for the job. If for a company the event management activities are an integral part then those companies can open up their very own event management department decrease their production and marketing cost. Over the years there is a drastic increase in the growth of event management companies and now its a 500 billion dollar industry. Social networking sites can prove to be very helpful to get business for such companies. Facebook, MySpace, Orkut are few examples that are used for business development. Event-management is mostly about networking, the more contacts you have the more you can attract business for your event management company. I think this article correctly identifies the key factors which are needed to be their for the success of any event management company. An event manager must be very vigilant about the market scenarios and remain updated about the new companies that are entering the market. Financial Analysis Hanif Rajput Companys financial highlights for the years 2008-2010 are as follows. Revenues/Turnover CGS HR Caterers 2010 Rupees 171,324,351 (130,548,831) HR Decorators 2010 Rupees 72,047,886 (47,838,441) HR Caterers 2009 Rupees 173,095,820 (131,930,397) HR Decorators 2009 Rupees 94,267,977 (68,492,287) HR Caterers 2008 Rupees 181,541,591 (138,367,606) HR Decorators 2008 Rupees 84,561,589 (63,334,485) Gross Profit Admin Expenses 40,775,520 (32,138,680) 20,209,445 (16,054,646) 41,165,432 (35,360,319) 25,775,690 (19,184,929) 43,173,985 (39,005,804) 21,227,104 (18,288,862) Profit/loss from Operations Less: financial Charges 8,636,840 (6,041,058) 8,154,799 (5,852,669) 5,805,105 (3,223,674) 6,590,761 (4,116,154) 4,168,181 (1,370,165) 2,938,242 (695,405) NET PROFIT 2,595,782 2,302,130 2,581,431 2,474,607 2,798,016 2,242,837 Measuring companys profitability over a period of time is very important. From the above stated financial highlights of Hanif Rajput we can see that sales are decreasing slowly over the years. Expenses and cost of sales are not decreasing with the same ratio. If we take out the percentage difference of sales by Subtracting sales of 2008 from sales in 2010 we get the average percentage by which the sales have fallen from 2008 to 2010. Percentage Difference HR Caterers = (Sales 2010- sales 2008)/ Sales 2008 * 100 Percentage Difference HR Caterers= 5.63 % It means that sales have fallen 5.63% in the last three years for HR caterers. Similarly if we take out the percentage difference of HR decorators, we will see that Dà ©cor Departments sales have decreased 14% in the last three years. This is due to the fact that Hanif Rajput is lacking innovation and creativity in its events. This is discussed in detail later. Similarly we can see that HR caterers Gross Profit is also decreasing by 5.5%. Whereas Gross Profit of HR decorators is decreasing by 4.7%. Expenses are falling almost in the same ratio but we can see that the financial charge are increasing tremendously, which is the most important reason of profit fall. Research Question The following basic questions will be addressed in this study: Why Hanif Rajput is not meeting the sales target for the last three years? Methodology: Research Significance Methodology is an integral part of research and emphasis is given on research theories along with discussing the validity and reliability of data so as to provide a general view about how the research is conducted. The objective of the researchers is to use specific tools for collecting primary and secondary data in order to systematically generate knowledge of the world. According to Evered and Louis (1981) the methodology has been clarified by two distinguishing research stances: inquiry from the outside In general terms, Quantitative and qualitative methodologies are linked, respectively, with the two principal research paradigms which are generally labeled Positivism and Interpretivism (Mangan et al, 2004). Positivism and Interpretivism totally contradict each other. Positivism obeys the law of nature and is based on factual information like the sun rises and sets every day. Data Type: There are two types of data, quantitative and qualitative. My data type will be qualitative as questionnaires will be filled by the employees. And interviews will be conducted by the CEO and GM of the company and other employees. The information gathered will then be analyzed and In order to run the regression and analyze the statistical data I will convert the data into numbers through coding to make it more feasible. Research Design: Research design is a framework for conducting the research project. It tends to discover new insights as well as describe the functions of existing variables. These kinds of designs are flexible and versatile in data collection and analysis. The main methods under these designs are qualitative like interviews, case studies and participant observation. The aim of the study is to figure out why are Hanif Rajputs sales stagnant since the past few years. What are the reasons and factors causing this status quo?, although this industry is so attractive in Pakistan and is constantly growing. The design of this study is employee survey and two interviews. Sampling and sampling technique: Sample Size Due to limitation of resources and time constraints on part of both the researcher and the respondents, the whole population cannot be studied therefore; a sample would be selected from the total target population. A total of 30 surveys questionnaires will be conducted. Managers and employees of the company will be asked questions about the research and information will be collected. Sampling Procedure There are two types of sampling methods used in collecting the data; probability sampling and non-probability sampling. Sample size will also be based on the convenience sampling due to the ease of access that the researcher had in communicating with the respondents in the company. Research Tools The Primary research methodology for my paper will entail both written and oral surveys. i.e. Data collection though questionnaires and surveys. Data Collection Procedure Both primary as well as secondary data collection techniques would be used, for the research to present an authentic and a more comprehensive view. A primary data refers to information collected by oneself which is original and reliable through direct observation or questionnaires. Whereas a secondary data refers to information collected from sources which already exists, through facts, figures, journals, articles and books. This study was based on primary data collection approach. Data was collected from a sample population of employees by means of questionnaires which will form the annexure. They were distributed to a total of 30 respondents of different ages, gender and income. Once the questionnaires will be filled theyll be collected. Interviews of senior employees e.g. the CEO and GM operations will also be conducted to get the in depth information. Questionnaires employed close ended questions in order to induce quick decisions from the respondents. The questionnaire design was also key to producing efficient results. In Depth Interviews Interviews are the leading means for acquiring detailed information from test subjects. In depth interviews for the purpose of this study were either unstructured or semi-structured so as to avoid inducing generic responses that fall in the median. The underlying views, concerns and cognitive processes of the participants responses were the primary objective of my research. Unstructured and semi-structured interviews allow us to gain detailed information about a respondents opinion, views, feelings, beliefs and behaviors so as to derive a holistic picture for the research rather than rudimentary outcomes. According to some sociologists, interviews are prone to be biased and the results cannot be generalized due to the small size of the sample. However, these issues can be mitigated by carefully selecting a representative sample population and by being well versed in interviewing techniques so as to induce efficient responses. While conducting in depth interviews, it is important that the researcher should be patient and calm and also make the participant feel comfortable, secure, and at ease enough to speak openly. There should be a good communication between the researcher, and participant and it is better to avoid yes/no questions,. Which tend to, stifle detail. One of the main issue is to try not to guide try not to guide course of the interview to preconceived questions, but to follow what is on subjects minds. Keeping in mind all the guidelines two in depth interviews were conducted which gave new insights to the data collection procedure as well as the main rese